Jehovah Raah: The Lord is My Shepherd
1. Are you in God's Word, feeding your soul?
2. Do you give Satan a foothold in your mind when he tries to make you think you're alone? God says He will never leave or forsake us. In fact, His Spirit lives inside every believer, so the truth is that we are never alone. Satan can try his best to convince us we are, but I'm telling you right now that we aren't alone. How we feel is irrelevant. Only the Truth of God's Word is what will carry us through. Study, meditate on and memorize Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 and Philippians 4:4-8.
3. Do you respond to the correction of the Lord? Or do you defend yourself and your actions against the holiness of God?
4. When was a time that God's guidance preserved you?
5. Do you tend to wander from God when you're tired or bored, when you don't receive the answer you'd prayed for, when your hopes are destroyed? Do you blame God when things don't go the way you want? Or do you trust that His ways and His plans are best?
6. God dwells with us, as believers, always. Do you dwell with Him, too? Do you acknowledge His presence? Do you talk with Him throughout your day? Do you depend on Him to save and sustain you? Or do you tend to only remember Him on Sunday mornings at church or when you pray at meal times or have your quiet time in the morning? God gives us all of Him, all the time. We are called to do the same for Him. (I highly recommend reading The Practice of the Presence of God. Excellent and short read!)