Jehovah Shammah: The Lord is There
1. Do you believe God is with you?
2. Do you acknowledge His presence with and within you, or do you forget that you are God's dwelling place on earth?
3. As His dwelling place, we are called to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Ask God to reveal any way in you that is unclean and out of line with His Word (Psalms 51:10). Repent and turn to Him to help you overcome the strongholds in your life.
4. In what ways have you seen God's presence? Has He spoken to you (to your Spirit, through another person, through His Word or through His creation)? Has He guided you in a certain direction? Wherever and however you have witnessed His presence, acknowledge it, write it down and revisit it often. I think it's so easy to forget that God is with us, especially when we are attacked and knocked down by life. Satan is a like a wolf looking to devour his prey. Wolves attack the loner, who doesn't have a pack to protect him. They attack those who are sick or weak. Satan knows that as Christians, he can't get us alone because Christ lives in us. He knows that although we are weak and broken, God who lives in us is strong. But, he also knows that if he can get us to believe we are alone, then we will fall prey to his schemes every time. The Bible tells us in John 8:44 that satan is the father of lies. Don't fall prey to his lies - look to the Truth of God's Word to render the enemy powerless. Remind yourself of His presence.