
Day 22: No Fear, Just Faith
“Father God, my faith only comes from you. It’s nothing that’s I’ve done to earn it or deserve it....it’s a gift from you. I pray that I would not take pride in the great level of my faith nor minimize the value of my mustard-sized faith. I pray you would strengthen my faith in you and keep it firmly planted in your Word - not in myself, church, parents, preachers, or anyone else that seeks to set itself up as an idol in my heart. Forgive me for when I have had a lack of faith. I bind fear away from me in Jesus’ name and ask you to fill me with a fresh dose of your faith. You say in your Word that I don’t need to fear anything because you are always with me (Joshua 1:9). Help me to cling to that promise, and to believe that promise. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”