
Day 24: Family and Friends
Father God, I thank you for the family and friends you’ve given me. I pray that you would continue to bless my relationships with each one of them. Where brokenness and hurt has occurred, I pray you would mend and restore relationship, trust and communication. Give me grace for my family and friends; and, remind me they are only human and will fall short. Father, if I have done anything offensive and devise to cause disruption in my relationships, I ask forgiveness from you. Bring any and all offenses I have caused to my mind so that the healing process can begin now with me. Please give me the opportunity and the words to speak and apologize to those in whom I have caused hurt and pain. I pray that your love and grace would shine in and through me and that I would speak the truth in love. I bind away strife, deceit, distrust, and maliciousness away from me, my family, my friends and our relationships. I pray for your grace and love to fill us. I pray for peace in our relationships, and for ease of communication. Father, you have instructed us to go into all the world and proclaim your good name. My family is where I need to start. I pray that you would use me to witness to those in my family who don’t know you yet. Give me holy boldness to proclaim your name. Give me a sense of urgency and a burden for their souls. Let my life be a living example of your love so that they, too, will want what I’ve found in you, Lord. I pray I would be a tool of reconciliation, reflecting your love and your salvation. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”