Recently, I was asked by a dear friend and mentor what God was speaking to me this year. What one word is He asking me to focus on or what particular Scripture has He placed on my heart and mind for 2020 — a new year, a new decade, the beginning of another “Roaring 20’s”?
Normally, I am always on top of this, and if God doesn’t speak a specific word to me, I come up with one for myself… “no worries, Jesus. I got you, boo.” However, this past holiday season was different from others. We experienced a loss in my family, so doing anything that would take mental capacity was simply not going to happen for me.
So when she asked me this question, I had to really stop and think for a moment. What exactly was it that God has been teaching me or asking of me that He wanted me to focus more on in this upcoming year? When I began to really ponder upon her question, it became very clear to me.
”Each of you should use whatever give you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.“ (Peter 4:10)
I knew immediately the word He was speaking to me — stewardship. Not just in “gifts” such as talents, but in all things… ALL THINGS. Everything that we have here on this earth is a gift from our Heavenly Father.
My body is a gift from God.
Am I stewarding it well?
Am I taking care of my health (giving it the right fuel, giving it enough rest, exercising it?)
The larger home that we now have is a gift from God. Am I stewarding it well?
Am I using the space to create community and gather with people? Am I taking care of it by cleaning it and making sure it stays structurally sound?
The finances we have are a gift from God.
Am I stewarding them well?
Am I using them to bless those around me? Am I staying out of debt or making strides toward being there? Am I tithing? Am I being wise and saving?
The talents and opportunities I have been given are a gift from God.
Am I stewarding them well?
Am I working on my craft to continue to get better? Am I practicing? Am I preparing for each opportunity?
I could go on and on and on (and on), friends, but you get the picture.
Every single thing that we have, right down to the very breath in our lungs, is a beautiful gift from God. So what exactly are we doing with these precious gifts?
The Holy Spirit has been dealing with me over the last couple of months and really cracking down on me to walk in obedience in all areas of life and be a good steward of every single thing He has given me. This is a very tall order, I know… trust me. He and I have had some serious wrestling matches over it.
And please hear me on this, I am not saying that I am going to master stewardship and achieve excellence in all ways of life by the end of 2020. I probably won’t even get there by the end of my lifetime. BUT, I can most certainly strive towards it and be more intentional about it. Keep in mind though (telling myself this), I CANNOT DO THIS ALONE.
If I attempt to steward everything well on my own, I will fail every time. But thank You, Jesus, He sent us a Helper — the Holy Spirit — Who is always right here with me to help me get it right and gently correct me when I get it wrong.
With His help, I have written down a few ways I plan to be a better steward of the gifts I have been given. Because, let’s be honest, if we’re not intentional in thinking about how we’re going to do things, chances are, we never will actually do them.
These are not “resolutions” or “goals” (though I do love me a good goal). These things are about more than that. They are about who I am becoming. Who do I want to become in a year, five years, ten years?
My desire is to become a person who obeys Jesus and is a good steward of the things He has given me. I want to better utilize those gifts so that I become a person who is a light to others and brings people closer to Him.
And with that, I want to take a note from my mentor and ask the same of you.
What word is it for you in 2020? Who do you want to become?
Is there something in particular the Holy Spirit is whispering to you that He wants you to point your attention and intention to this year? If you don’t know right off hand (like I didn’t) then I would challenge you to think about it, pray about it, and when you’ve got it? WRITE. IT. DOWN. Along with steps of how you and the Holy Spirit are going to get there together. Because friends, this life and the time that we have on this earth is a gift, and I want to live it well... And I’m guessing you do, too.